Friday, February 6, 2009

Some Nutritional Tips Against Hypertension

      Good eating habits are essential! How to reduce the salt? Should we eat low fat? Butter or margarine, should you choose? Here are 10 tips you need to consider.

Food is essential to the problems of hypertension. Here are some tips unavoidable.

1. Alcohol is not cool

    It is essential to reduce the consumption of alcohol: not more than two to three glasses of wine per day for men, and two glasses for women.

2. The kilos point would be too

    Overweight is the enemy of your heart and your arteries. Accumulate excess fat and hypertension should be avoided completely. Rebalance your diet is essential in cases of overweight.

3. Salt: the final battle

Of course, your doctor has warned against excess salt. We need to consume less than 6 grams per day in case of hypertension. Of course, it starts by removing the salt shaker at the table. But we must also avoid certain foods too high in sodium: meats, prepared meals, and some canned cheese (Roquefort, feta or blue auvergne particular). Beware also of salt in breakfast cereals and sweet biscuits.

4. Margarine is best

It is essential to avoid saturated fats as much as possible when there is tension. This includes up to replace animal fats with vegetable fats. Exit butter, margarine hello!

5. No Fats

Also to avoid saturated fat, you must choose lean meats instead. Avoid beef, pork and mutton, like fish and poultry (without skin).

6. The number is complete!

In all carbohydrates you take, choose the maximum grains. This will help to increase the fiber content of your diet.

7. A full steam ahead!

It is essential to choose the means of the lower-fat cooking, and those that preserve the nutritional quality of food. So, opt for cooking steam, grill or foil and avoid fried foods.

8. That will work!

Physical activity is essential, even moderate. A half-hour of brisk walking a day, cycling, swimming are all ways of moving without much force.

9. Fruit undefended!

It must be remembered, fruits and vegetables are allies health. We must therefore eat enough every day, especially in cases of hypertension. Bet including fruit, that give you potassium: this is a friend of your tension.

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