Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cold and Skin Care

     It is cold outside, inside, the heat. Both factors make the skin extra moisture loss. Moisture that is precisely to ensure that the skin smooth and healthy. Dry skin is more sensitive to irritation and looks less good. The dull skin, wrinkles appear deeper and cracks, gaps and red spots can arise.

Sensitive areas

    Those parts of the skin with little sebaceous glands are more sensitive to cold. For example, the skin on knees and elbows very difficult moisture retention. The skin of the lower legs are naturally dry. The lips contain sebaceous glands and are therefore protected from the worst cold. The thin skin around the eyes may also use some extra protection.

Even more prone to dry skin?

    A dry skin may partly be hereditary. Like the aging skin drier by change in hormone levels, there is not much to do. The skin needs extra protection.

    Where you have influence on things like: taking long showers or baths. It may seem attractive and caring for dry skin, but it is certainly not. Smoking gives negative influences from the inside, but the smoke itself dries out the skin.


    Clothing is a good protection against the cold. However, abrasive clothing also extra dry skin. Choose soft, natural materials, in which the skin can still breathe.

Winter Care

    Winter is the time for your skin what to adjust.


    The cleaning of the skin remains important. Choose products that are soft to the skin. Preferably without alcohol.

    Keep bath and shower limited to five to ten minutes and do not use hot but lukewarm water. Do not use soap and badschuim fat because they escape to the skin, but choose a waxen.

Hydrating creams

    Use at least twice a day moisturizing cream. The dryer your skin is, the thicker the cream may be. The oily skin has more moisture, but this need not be fat creams. Include in the winter a product with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of at least 15.


    If you go beyond covering the skin as possible. Give your lips a good protection. Is your clothing damp or wet, keep it no longer walk.

True winter products

    Products that are particularly suitable for winter care of your skin and lips and also very affordable, are Shea butter and petroleum jelly.

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